High Up In The Firmament




High up in the firmament, the sun displays the Maker’s power. Lighting all the realms of men it warms their kingdoms ev’ry hour. His radiant light dispels the night, displaying vibrant colors all across the land. His golden rays feed plants by day, Sustaining life that praises God’s providing hand.

(C) High up in the firmament the heavens celebrate each hour. Things unseen are clearly seen, revealing God’s creative pow’r.

Shining with its lesser light, the moon glows softly in the night. Causing tides in seas and men. His gravity is a delight. His claim to fame to wax and wane, Gives us the signs and seasons of each passing year. His crescent smile and guileless style Reveal the faithfulness of God that brings us cheer.

Stars and planets in their turn dance minuets across the sky.  Comets fan their glorious tails, while shooting stars flash streaks of light With cosmic steps and pirouettes, they glide in beauty to the rhythm of his words. They dance with glee that all my see Like David danced in celebration to the Lord.


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