In A Manger




In a stable, in a manger, lay a babe in swaddling clothes. Born to Mary was a Savior, Born to her was Christ the Lord. What a joyous day for Mary! When at first the babe she saw, What a day for men and angels! What a glorious day for all!

Shepherds heard a wond’rous message, Of the Child that God had sent. Angels sang in celebration, “Peace on earth, good will to men.” Making haste to David’s city, To the manger where He lay; They went forth and told the story Of the Child they saw that day.

From a stable to a kingdom, From a manger to a throne, Passing through the cross of suff’ring, Through the vale of tears alone; Went the holy Child to save us, Went the King to take His crown, For the Child who reigns in glory, Was the Son of God come down.


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