The Impossible Had To Be True




His betrothed and beloved was bearing a child And her claim of a miracle sounded too wild, Till convinced by an angel the babe was God’s child! The impossible had to be true; So Joseph believed.

For a life of reproach among neighbors and kin, Where a life that was righteous was labeled as sin; And for Joseph and Mary it never would end; Though they knew the impossible true. They knew and believed!

In a world filled with skeptics who spoke of disgrace, Walked a family blessed by their God for their faith; For they knew the impossible led to this place, Some would doubt, but they knew what was true. And so they believed.

When we see the impossible works God has done, In creation, at Calv’ry, and birth of His Son. When the world scorns our faith and the prize we have won, The impossible lead’s us safe through. It’s why we believe.


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