Leaping For Joy




After Mary was blessed to be mother of Jesus, she went to her cousin still carrying John. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the babe in her womb gave reply before she could respond. For the babe lept for joy when he heard Mary’s voice, for the mother of Jesus had come in his presence! Like the babe lept for joy, Let our hearts leap for gladness; Like the babe lept for joy!

After Jesus instructed disciples to serve Him, He knew men would hate and revile what they did. Ev’ry day that they suffer they’re blessed for their service, enduring their lot while rejoicing instead. Like the babe lept for joy when he heard Mary’s voice; those who suffer for Jesus find joy in His service! Like the babe lept for joy. Let our hearts leap for gladness; Like the babe lept for joy!

By my faith in the Savior and love of the father, I’m cleansed of my sins and my soul is well-fed. Like the babe who heard Mary, and saints that have served Him, He gives me more joy than the earth gives instead. Like the babe lept for joy when he heard Mary’s voice; we’ll rejoice when we hear Him, and stand in His presence! Like the babe lept for joy. Let our hearts leap for gladness; Like the babe lept for joy!


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